- 2 Invites to the Kick Off Celebration
- 2 Tickets to the Awards Reception
for the Annual Art Exhibition
- Included on PAC Mailing List
- Ability to Display work in the PAC Members’ Gallery
- One Vote for Annual Elections
- Included on PAC Mailing List
- Ability to Display work in the PAC Members’ Gallery
- 2 Invites to the Kick Off Celebration
- Voting Rights for Annual Elections
- Included on PAC mailing list
- Ability to display work in the PAC Members’ Gallery
- 2 Invites to the Kick Off Celebration
- 2 Tickets to the Awards Reception
for the Annual Art Exhibition
- Included on PAC Mailing List
- Boosted Social Media Posts
- One Vote for Annual Elections
- 4 Invites to the Kick Off Celebration
- 4 Tickets to the Awards Reception
for the Annual Art Exhibition
- Included on PAC Mailing List
- Boosted Social Media Posts
- One Vote for Annual Elections
This donation is for those looking to help the Piqua Arts Council, but not wanting the recognition of a membership, or for someone that is already a member that wishes to give more.
We love our supporters, so feel free to visit us during our business hours from 10am - 4pm every weekday.
Piqua Arts Council
427 N Main St Piqua, OH 45356 US