401 N Main Street — the future home of PAC. We're thrilled to expand our organization and we're excited for the opportunity to enrich the Piqua community through new avenues of education, support and presentation of the arts.
Join us in improving the lives of the ones who call this place their home.
Scott Phillips took the Bank to PBS. Yes — our special project is a significant highlight on the nationwide television station! Watch the Arts Council's new building undergo the first stage of construction as our vision for this project begins to become a reality. Join us in celebration!
To view our featured project in this episode of The American Woodshop on PBS, advance to minute 12.
Join us as we enrich the community through the arts. Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve the great city of Piqua.
Support the cause — donate today, and create a better tomorrow.
Piqua Arts Council
427 N Main St Piqua, OH 45356 US